
Master Playing Cards

Original price was: $59.00.Current price is: $49.00.

Limited edition (2,500)

2 in stock


Hunters of York is a century deck of extraordinary elegant fine art playing cards set in York, 1636. Inspired by the witch hunting era and the Tulip Mania. Hunters of York is the first volume in a new Florus Drama series and 100% custom designed, illustrated in a collaboration between artists Nicolai Aarøe and Martin Helgren. Limited print run

► Beautiful gold and copper foil decorated tucks
► Embossed and textured soft tuck cases
► 100% custom design of cards, pips and tucks
► 54+2 poker sized playing cards
► Foiled tuck interiors
► Decks printed with metallic pantones on card backs
► Ornamented tuck seals

Exclusively sold on Isolated Thunderstorm

Also see Mistress Playing Cards

Additional information

Weight126 g
Number of cards

56 poker sized cards


This product is sold exclusively on Isolated Thunderstorm


NPCC – German Premium Linen, 310g