The Vengeance of Witches Caccabus Blackshade edition
What makes the Caccabus Blackshade tuck variant truly special is the shiny, black stock, which has a deep black pattern applied with a special varnish which lights up when exposed to black light / ultraviolet light.
★ A dark, occult theme based on the 17th-century witch-hunt
★ Limited edition (2,500)
★ Deluxe black varnish on the tuck exteriors + interiors.
★ Embossed tuck box with unique seal
★ Black ‘soft touch’ tuck stock
★ UV glow effect when exposed to blacklight
★ 100% unique pips & courts illustrated in hand
★ Custom, numbered seal placed on tuck bottom
★ Metallic ink with gold pigment on cards
★ 57 poker sized cards (52 cards + 3 extra + diptych artwork)
★ Printed in Europe by NPCC
The actual cards are completely identical in the Caccabus Nightglow and Caccabus Blackshade variant.
Sold exclusively on Isolated Thunderstorm
Also see Hagazussa and Caccabus Nightglow playing cards